Workshop Your Short-Story-Themed…

This month we are holding a workshop.

Successful published short-story writer, Keith Havers, will be leading this month’s session. Your story can be any length from flash fiction  up to 1200 words on the theme enclosed space.

Perhaps, you have a suitable story all ready written. If not, put a few ideas down on your page.

Please be aware plug points in the meeting room are limited, so charge any devices before attending the meeting.

We’ll be in the Lounge on the first floor of the Nottingham Mechanics.

Meeting Fees

Non-members: £5

Members: £3


Annual membership: £16 (please request a form at the meeting).

Membership is currently open to new writers, and members renewing for another year.


September Meeting- We’re Back…

Where and When

We’re delighted to announce our in-person meetings return this month.

Join us from 2.30-5 pm this Friday 24th September at the Nottingham Mechanics, North Sherwood Street in the city centre.


The September meeting will be a catch-up on what our members have been working on- and any successes since we were last together. We’ll also be renewing memberships and signing up new members.

We still welcome visitors for a small charge: £5

As with many organisations, there’s been a few changes #post pandemic.

  • We have reduced the membership fee and combined our previous member categories.


For the remainder of 2021 our meetings will remain on the fourth Friday of the month (even if the month has five Fridays).

Our venue currently has limited opening times, so we are no longer able to meet on an evening or Saturday.  We chose a Friday afternoon as it may help those writers who have flexible working hours. Unfortunately, we know this may not suit everyone.

Meanwhile, we are looking for additional venues for potential monthly Saturday afternoons meetings.


We want our members and visitors to feel safe at our meetings. The room we are using, has both space and ventilation. The NWC Committee confirm that anyone wishing to wear a face mask or shield are welcome to do so.

We will be updating the website in the coming months to reflect membership changes. So please contact us?: if you are interested in taking up membership, or have any queries relating to meetings.

You can also check our social media for the latest updates. Either Facebook  or Twitter.

Feb: Waterstones Coffee Shop Meet Up…

Join us for our regular last Friday of the month meet up in the Waterstones Coffee Shop in Nottingham city centre.

Come along to chat about the writing life, news and questions, alongside the venues tasty cakes and coffee/tea…

We’ll be there from 1.30 pm onward, but you can arrive and leave as your commitments allow.

The Coffee Shop is a business so please buy a drink while you’re there…