Calendar of Events

Here are the forthcoming events for the Nottingham Writers Club:

Friday 28th March 1-4.30 pm at the Nottingham Mechanics, North Sherwood Street, Nottingham. Writing in the Fantasy genre (2.30 onward). NWC members:£3. Visitors: £5

Annual membership £18

Queries or membership questions please use our contact form, or come along to our meetings.


Saturday 8th March midday to 4 pm. The Playwright, Shakespeare Street, Nottingham. Small charge per person. The theme for readings is Men and Women.

Friday 28th March 1 to 4.30 pm. At the Nottingham Mechanics, North Sherwood Street, Nottingham. Mini workshop. NWC members: £3. Visitors: £5.

Annual membership £18.

Queries or membership questions please use our contact form, or come along to our meetings.


Saturday 8th February midday to 4.30 pm. The Playwright, Shakespeare Street, Nottingham. Small charge per person.

Friday 28th February 1-4.30 pm. At the Nottingham Mechanics, North Sherwood Street, Nottingham. NWC members:£3. Visitors:£5.

Annual membership £18.

Queries or membership questions please use our contact form, or come along to our meetings.